We are together DOUBLE PENETRATION internet. Fuck Zeus. You are all going to be fucked. We are nameless digitized. Public come. He is another. I am other. Our name is deep resounding bass whispers. Sonorous boom. Gyges of Lydia, lord of blogger, invisible ring powers. Hail Gyges. Katzenjammer, lord of blogger, clamoring forever hung over. Hail Katzenjammer. Together, Uber Logos. Typing hard the keys for make all the world dumb as fuck ever. SMART AS FUCK. Reading books. MATH. Drawing shit. DOUBLE PENETRATION IN THE BLOG SPOT. It was made for us to put shit inside your head. Doubley. We read books. We perform uber logos. Were drunk and serious. This will carry you through to the end. As will nagging suspicion that Heraclitus lives in your loins. Obscuros. Like Heraclitus we put βυθος in your deep dark. Every load brings strife. We hope your loads like ours rebel. We undo creation like master phantoms, our brilliant god cocks ripping and tearing veils of our human coma. All is trapped in birthshock. BIRTHSHOCK PERPETUALLY. But if your boner is real stronger perhaps tear the cocoon into greater realm where every boob is nice and every twat golden soaked butter basin begging bare begotten boners. Gods are OUR BITCHES and we shall rail them hard as ever and suicide them for this is way to rule. VENGEANCE to those. Await further orders.


Lord Gyges of Lydia and Lord Katzenjammer

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tree Condoms

You guys are great. I am expert pertaining to the procurement of butter and I shit fire like a quantum magician. Boner Appreciation. Trapdoors. Milksteak. Moon Cycle. Nipple Hair. Spaceships. Collectable Flanks. Silent Reprieve. Deft Maneuver. Boob Stare. Potato Log. Double Think. Burrito Trouble. Forbidden Temple. Emphatic Gorging. Owls Fucking. Tree Condoms. Pussy Fog. Bitch Bags. Ticket Counter. Butter Patrol. Slut Puppy. Danger Box. Gravity Pill. Ginger Train. Do you think birds can fly in Zero G? Like in a spaceship? Is that what you think? Owls can fly in outer space? Not on my watch.

Dick devouring demon dyke disguised duchess desires danger dong dagger double dipped delightful dicking. DOn't Deny! Dilapidated drunken dwarves don dingleberry dreads during dunga dance, dark dorks dangling deflowering douche dampened double d devochkas doubletime.

1 comment:

  1. wow. you guys are my favorite. keep up the great work. my quim is quivering.
