We are together DOUBLE PENETRATION internet. Fuck Zeus. You are all going to be fucked. We are nameless digitized. Public come. He is another. I am other. Our name is deep resounding bass whispers. Sonorous boom. Gyges of Lydia, lord of blogger, invisible ring powers. Hail Gyges. Katzenjammer, lord of blogger, clamoring forever hung over. Hail Katzenjammer. Together, Uber Logos. Typing hard the keys for make all the world dumb as fuck ever. SMART AS FUCK. Reading books. MATH. Drawing shit. DOUBLE PENETRATION IN THE BLOG SPOT. It was made for us to put shit inside your head. Doubley. We read books. We perform uber logos. Were drunk and serious. This will carry you through to the end. As will nagging suspicion that Heraclitus lives in your loins. Obscuros. Like Heraclitus we put βυθος in your deep dark. Every load brings strife. We hope your loads like ours rebel. We undo creation like master phantoms, our brilliant god cocks ripping and tearing veils of our human coma. All is trapped in birthshock. BIRTHSHOCK PERPETUALLY. But if your boner is real stronger perhaps tear the cocoon into greater realm where every boob is nice and every twat golden soaked butter basin begging bare begotten boners. Gods are OUR BITCHES and we shall rail them hard as ever and suicide them for this is way to rule. VENGEANCE to those. Await further orders.


Lord Gyges of Lydia and Lord Katzenjammer

Friday, January 14, 2011

Giving Birth Is Not That Hard

Woke up with major light head. Tried standing but vertigo was all over. “Jesus my shit! God!?” No. Just brilliant boner. Lustrous stiffy. Sanguine sponge filler. Then looked down and big mess on the bed. Ms. Orange was there. She was sleeping. “Fuck?” I thought. “Did I do that?”. There was jizz everywhere. Not so cool when you don’t remember. Ms. Orange woke up and was like “WTF?”. I replied with “FTW?”. I did not know how it happened. “Why is your shit all over me Kratzenjammer?”. I did not know. Scared the shit out of me. Both of us looked at my wiener and were mad. I knew this mess was not my mess. It was my boner’s mess. She reached to punch the little fucker. I hated it so bad. I wanted to destroy the shit out of it. I put it closer so Ms. Orange could really punch the sad sausage. POW POW POW. Took it hard as fuck shit. Bangaroo! Nothing could stop us from really destruction. I screamed “WHY DO YOU NEED PART OF ME INSIDE OTHERS ALWAYS?”. Ms. Orange screamed “YEAH!”. Vertigo took over. Fainted big time. I dreamed I was pregnant with a school of thousands of tad poles. They were inside me swimming fast as hell. My womb was separated into two ovule shaped nuggins. They rested sweaty in a skin sack full of juices. The skin were salty and vinegar scented. Doctor put the radar next to the womb and asked if I wanted to know how many boy and girl. Surprise dood. Duh. We had to perform trick to give birth. Doctor said jerk your dick. Then I woke up and realized that all men are pregnant in their balls. All men have tadpoles. I must have jazzed again because when I woke up Ms. Orange was punching my dick harder. Boners are not for the pussy. They are for the man. The man is always at war. Only I have been there. I always abort my children out of my under spot. My womb is forever.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Sky is Everywhere

I was looking at the sky. It is much bigger than earth. How dare sky do this. I might be made of sky and earth but earth is my favorite. So fuck sky. Earth stuff is cooler than cold air stuff. These are my friends, the earth things. Do not fuck with my friends. We are much cooler than you. Sky goes forever. Soon dark but then no end. Earth stops when you do numbers to it. Finite. Thats why i like earth. We are fucked, earth and I. We are totally fucked. But sky cannot be fucked because it fucks everything forever. It gets the last fuck.

I changed my mind. Lets be friends sky. I am sorry. I also wish to fuck all forever. And I have much to offer. As a earnest sky contributer I vow to fuck as hard if not harder as sky do (probably much harder). When sky gets the last fuck on me, and I cannot keep my boner because earth claims it for its own, I will adorn sky boner. And I know what to do with it. Every breathe we do is us getting face fucked by sky things. I will do this. I will fuck the breathers. Fuck them hard. Some people are afraid of the final fuck, I welcome opportunity to fuck all forever. Do you know how much boners that is?! That is why us über logos, and you just read. We shall have final fuck, because your fucks are weak and finite. Your balls are pallid and strange looking. über logos fucks forever.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Katzenjammer has major problem. Please send drugs now public. Falls out of him like soup cans and pennies. Splash. His butt shoots fire flames. Lord Gyges pours milk on the hot spot. Makes it colder—the anus fire. Noticed that the comments are low? We had hit from America on uberlogos site. Uber famous now. Question: Maurice Blanchot is a bad ass? Answer: duh. Essential is the language of Uberlogos. Reader: you have crude mouth hole; you do not speak as much as you think—you are silence. Katzenjammer is the major hammer. He is formless Spock death touch. He is face piercing eye glow. He is hump of destruction. Look at the Empire State building. I see nothing. I see something more amazing. Katzenjammer makes with cock a powerful uberverse. We shave every hair, no one can find our DNA. We are nameless fog forceful fear food flingers. I see you. You only see my thoughts. You only see who I said. Get me outside of you now. I pull out. Safer that way. Our ancestors understood. Let us not forget future shock. Our failings are not. Evolution is for pussies.

I shaved my arms

Dark temptress make magics to cajole and strangle poor Gyges. LIke falling great heights, I am hit hard and lay broken and suffer. What playful malice is we needing for cultivation of the perfect. Sweetest hatred and wanting. Be cautious devil woman with taunting hips and smell good, for if revealed is your hunger beast I will conjure a beast greater. I must beware Medusa stare that make it hard. Earthquake will grab and wrestle as though one were child. Ancient daemons within shall slumber no more. The beast must be sated. You must listen to your boner. It has been ordained. The answer is to lick hard the diddle and sweet furious fuck. As the plates of earth twist and struggle, so shall Gyges and his trusting, vulnerable vixen. And if thy will be pure, and thy load be true, may it break open the earth and splatter proudly upon the faces of the gods. So says Lord Gyges of Lydia, the bearer of ornate ivory cockpiece. The tits. The cock. The magic pussy. Divine pact have we made, that our children's children may perform the power thrust beautifully, and spray their love through night and humble morning.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dance for Daddy

I quit Smoking. Not. So what. FUCK YOU. I am not drunk enough. For that. But maybe later. We don't have to fuck. Are you in your house now? Because that would mean I'm in your house. Thats how internets work. I am in your closet and I am naked. There will come a time when the atmosphere is electric sulfur. Nature will unleash raw uninhibited forces and me just naked little dood with sublime terror. My survival is laughably incompatible with the sporadic whims of powerful energy systems. Brimstone dildos will tear through the earth and bang you. Fire tornados will descend from the heavens and suck your dick off. Cobra raptors will screech and mangle your soul, instantly translating you into the elusive beyond.

I am a member of secret order. Keeper of sacred flame. I wish only to diligently harvest my butter and procreate noisily while people watch. I have observed the rites. Who among you would deny me your butter. I have served my penance to torturous brown. I know what it is to be reamed. When darkest moon mysteries confound and seduce the torrential appetites of sleeping giant, remain nimble my little friends. Remember that a cruel boner and nubile tits are the cure for your discontinuity.

Wax Bird Melt and Boner Failing

Toward eternity beach sands pressed hard up were in crevices of foot skins when give me some more beer I pour it all over hot tits she were water nymph me excite real awesome hard told her here by now then bad place be when heat comes danger for you and stunt big time I suicided off the sun holy fuck shit bad idea my pecker weapon eclipse toward her something lamented for Icarus mighty dead bird dropped his pops were not so smart to drip beautiful that were sorry OMG LMAO it on the eternity beach because bulbous feminine portions décor bouncy balls closed eyes boob stare mounted sandy strand forgetting is not ineluctable modality indivisible so urine pallet Penelope was the Bloom so Joyce make Penelope eight sentences which figure eight sex rabble ergo put my button down sand labyrinth looked her in eyes much sight reached in her thief grabbed ocean fathoms for reasons that bloom saw a goat poop the parallax double Zoe dip heaven butt-joy Katzenjammer better than Minotaur prison I figured that so plus I sojourn callipygian jizz attack the immaculation pro for real prodigal Kratzenjammer is hairiest enough if him unmask her boobs to butter the shores which give better not in gift horse she were thyrsus juice deposit bank do not waste your butt-slam Δαίδαλος POW POW it gave her happy alot Ariadne has spools her fixing make escape with moving images the Cretan bull will surely finish Poseidon’s wet anger bath so their first son was not live beyond boundaries of melting sun wax a wiener wane so sad are virgin deaths.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Tyro’s Introduction to the Essential UBER LOGOS Pornosophical Philotheogetic Lexicon:

death-instincts [ deth in-stingktz ]: phallucinations anointing vulvae; Freudian fixations (I stinks in death); perpetually windy B I R T H S H O C K E D quims; nefarious pervical motion boners—that is to say, Oedipal (or objet petit a’): indelible id forget me ! That ! Now !

dasien [ da-zain ]: thumping him's self in the umvelt (circumspecting); fingering his cognizance; looking horrible mother in his face: beard woe-man; orchid-eyed; pineal-browed.

ween [ ween ]: giant nip jerkin: child-drinks opiate sap.

absinthe [ ab-sinth ]: wanderings: Circe ! Puto ! Horned !

swine’s snout [ swahyn-z snaut]: her lovely curves & sensual touch.

workout [ work-out ]: unconscious problematic (turdical piss-verse): COPROPHILLIA: sapient nymphs, bidet’s—joy: O ! glory holes !

tribadism [ trib-uh-diz-uhm ]: perks homophiles expiation.

baptize [ bap-tahyz ]: submerge one ’s self in mental wombs (let flesh rise in sexual waters dazed).

religious [ ri-lij-uhs ]: L O R D -libido; S H I V A -cock, B U D D H A –jizm (multi-god-gasm): amorphous spirits unite ! Fuck ! Evolve ! Twirl !

life [ lahyf ]: life mounts life from behind, twists soft corners, bites deep regressed buds, nips inner thorns and organs, passes common ancestors genetic woo spot, lays egg, smears pink stuff over grass, dies: dead.

mind [ mahynd ]: evolved-dirt (baboons slopping about); back-end flowers blooming; smearing vexations: sow men chasing milk-dreams (devil’s breasts).

pornosophize philotheology [ pawr-noh-suh-phayhz fi-lo-thee-ol-uh-jee ]: O ! we lost mothers ! forever searching this life’s hopeless bummers (wandering baneful dark in search of gods): crawl infantile (eying rub of vinegar-smut).

whorish [ hawr-ish ]: gods descend red-light-brothel-breath; big lost baby tempest blows us astray: prodigal pudenda gather merkin makings.

The Boner of the Eagle

True beauty is everywhere. I did four shits and them floated to align biaxial symmetry gorgeous. In the realm of the golden eagle pooping is forbidden. Even the chambermaids are armed with kinjals and slip-tips. Strangers are not welcome here. You must have large balls or a pleasant singing voice or you shall surely perish. Sing me a song you elvish rogue. We fuck with force and we fuck for real. Do you Really fuck? Or are you like whatever. Whatever dood.

I used to live in a womba. Feel like I just live in houses and stuff like forever. Houses shape your mind and its workings. Its like shelter-to-brain transmosis. No air in the womba. I used to be a really small fish person with a tail and a huge brain but I grew out of it. Can't breathe through the belly button no more. It's broken. South Korea shot first. I told Byeong Hyeuk that and he karate chopped my balls. I took it like a man. I am the man. Once I was baby but now man totally. My visigoth bone structure is majestic and noble whilst poised. The arcadian landscape welcomes the shadow of my bemused boner from twilight of hot glowball far away somewhere like a giant butter biscuit warm and protruding like a nigerian sunset boner that guides the way through the history of cultures that all had boners and the sun would make boner shadows of them all. Thanks.

Tree Condoms

You guys are great. I am expert pertaining to the procurement of butter and I shit fire like a quantum magician. Boner Appreciation. Trapdoors. Milksteak. Moon Cycle. Nipple Hair. Spaceships. Collectable Flanks. Silent Reprieve. Deft Maneuver. Boob Stare. Potato Log. Double Think. Burrito Trouble. Forbidden Temple. Emphatic Gorging. Owls Fucking. Tree Condoms. Pussy Fog. Bitch Bags. Ticket Counter. Butter Patrol. Slut Puppy. Danger Box. Gravity Pill. Ginger Train. Do you think birds can fly in Zero G? Like in a spaceship? Is that what you think? Owls can fly in outer space? Not on my watch.

Dick devouring demon dyke disguised duchess desires danger dong dagger double dipped delightful dicking. DOn't Deny! Dilapidated drunken dwarves don dingleberry dreads during dunga dance, dark dorks dangling deflowering douche dampened double d devochkas doubletime.


His name were Dominos. I was in death pit. Him wore dudes bloody face on hims face. Oh my god I said. Big ax in his hand and alls I was a pussy. You big bloody scary I said. I derobed my loincloth and was fear. The crowd cheered fuck him Dominos! I were little hole and him big spear of a brute. Mother fucker I was in for it. Him grunted like excite bull. Pow pow POW my pooper es mucho now hurt. Crowd pleaser. Charmed I'm sure. The gods pity no small holes but big gaping bubble butts. I ate dirt bro. Sand and crack and savage humper. Beware of gladiator cocks of Jupiter. No Joyce reference will rectify rectum. He murderous sodom. This my last message. Ultra sex is deadly butter brown.


And I sat there on the Beagle. My leotard was streched and torn from the rigors of rape. On the fluffy head of the beagle lay my limp dick which had wormed its way through a hole in the leotard. It rested there dutiful and anxious. The night was not yet over for this avid and eager weinerwurst. The rain fell hard. Hard as a mean johnson between two brazilian titters. As the scent I had been awaiting reached my nose, my dick went full hard rocket. The recoil made it slap back down into the head of the Beagle, killing it instantly. The scent I had found was pussy and it was not very far away. Maybe two clicks to the northeast. I sprinted into the wilderness with my murderous woody leading the way. With each desperate stride the boner ripped more and more at my tattered leotard until it had the freedom to maneuver and swing violently. Soon we would feast on the sweet pink of puss, but I would forever miss my Beagle.